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  • Roadways

  • Parking Lots

  • Driveways

  • New Asphalt, Patching and Overlays

  • A well-maintained and newly striped parking lot gives customers a first great impression of a well kept business. 

Crack fill, Sealing, Striping.


  • Seal Coat

  • Striping

  • Crack Fill

  •  Many things can lead to asphalt damage. Everyday usage, different weather elements, earth movement and lots more. Letting it go without any maintenance can actually make you asphalt crumble and fall to pieces. Before that happens, you can preserve the life of your asphalt by applying a seal coat, crack fill and  patching holes.  By filling the cracks with our hot rubber crack seal, patching holes with new asphalt, then applying a seal coat, your asphalt will hold together much longer than if it had not been treated at all. You may save hundreds if not thousands of dollars down the road by simply getting these few simple treatments done.



  • Roadways

  • Parking Lots

  • Driveways 

  • Remove old, damaged asphalt and replace with new asphalt. Prevent cracks and pot holes from re occurring for years to come.

Chip Seal, Slurry Seal.



  • Chip Seal

  • Roadways

  • Parking Lots

  • Driveways

Chip seals are generally intended for highways, subdivisions, roadways, and more.  Chip seals consist of sweeping all areas, applying CRS2 oil, then applying the chips over the oil application.  Then compact the chips into the oil. Most times the excess chips are swept off to the side of the road.

  • Slurry Seal

  • Roadways

  • Parking Lots

  • Driveways

Slurry Seal is a preventative maintenance process that is designed to prolong the life of your asphalt surface.  It is a mixture of crushed rock, emulsion, water, and sulfate.  When combined, they form a cold mix asphalt surface.  When first applied, slurry is a cold liquid mixture that is brown and sticky.  As it dries, it darkens to the jet black color of new pavement and hardens as a cold mix emulsifier.

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